Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What is up with these tree hugging wanna be fags?

I mean, seriously. What is it with all this recycling crap. If you throw your crap in the ground you are recycling it dumbasses. Didn't the shit come from the ground to begin with? Who cares if we changed a few molecules here or there, just throw it in the hole and later on down the road somebody else will dig it up and use it again.

If you really want to recycle then do it the right way and recycle everything. You wipe your ass; hang the TP out to dry then reroll it and use it again. Used tampon; just rinse it off, dry it out and shove it back up there. Condom; turn it inside out and use it again. Feces; the shit was food once, put it on a plate and eat it again. Urine; so what it is yellow and smells funny, it will still quench your thirst.

I personally would never buy anything made out of recycled materials. I don't want my food to sit on a paper plate made out of old shit paper, nor would you catch me cleaning up my kitchen wearing latex gloves made out of someones old used condom. Recycling is just gross.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I recycle EVERYTHING. I make a casserole out of the neighbor's trash.

Yummy, old diapers, snotty Kleenex, it all goes down with bloody feces.
