Monday, August 17, 2009

Sailor's Delight?

Recently Buddy L over at the "Top of the Chain Bunker" posted about how he loves a sailor's delight. So I thought he would enjoy what I believe to be HIS sailor's delight:

Thursday, August 13, 2009

People named TURK

To any normal person, being called "Turk" doesn't mean much. Hell, it probably means nothing at all. Let me tell you a little story about a man named "Turk".

Turk is a lazy shit bum. He has no job. When asked why he doesn't work, Turk's reply was "I don't think I would like working". Boy, what would this world do if people who didn't like working actually had to work?

Being a Turk also means that you have to lie. Not just lie about where you like your big black boyfriend to stick the soap, but lie about EVERYTHING. For example, Turk claims he has NEVER masturbated in his life. How many guys do you know that have NEVER masturbated? If you know any let me know, because I have a bridge I would like to sell you. His latest story was that he shot off a master lock with his 9mm from point blank range.

Oh, and to be a Turk you have to play pool all by yourself and then get pissed off when you beat yourself. Also, you have to buy a Mossberg 12 guage for $180, keep it in the box and never fire it for 20 years, then try and sell it for $400 and call it a "collector's item" (even though you can buy a brand new IDENTICAL Mossberg 12 guage brand new for $207).

Apparently Turk is the most women getting dude in all of Saint Charles County. I must say, I have never once seen him with a woman. In fact, I have never even seen him actually talk to a woman. He does seem to like having men as roommates though. Hmmmm... sounds like a flaming homo fag to me.

Food Chain

Apparently "Buddy L" AKA "Top of the Chain" likes to eat Zombie burgers. So to appease his communist Obama-ish ways I have redesigned the food chain. I will be waiting for the comment moderation KGB to come get me.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Shit candy for the eyes

My new favorite website.

Oh, my bad. I forgot how to correctly post html links. I guess you will just have to enjoy this instead:

Monday, August 3, 2009

State of the Union

I have noticed that lately people have been turning off their comments. I guess that making sweet, sweet anal love to a zombie is just offensive to some people so they decide they would rather display their love for anti-gun liberals and communists by turning off comments. Don't worry though, I am sure Obama would be proud of your censorship of free speech.

Just to spite....

All the blogging fags that blog fag like fag blogs, I will continue to blog about Gay Jose Smith.

E is for Enourmous Elephantitis Erections

E is for Epidermal Needle. I hate it when people with needle dicks stick it in my butt. When I get fucked in the ass I want it to bleed like a stuck pig.

B is for Butthole Raper

B is for Blasting my ass with penis juice. I love it when Gay Jose Smith shoots his penis juice after her butthole rapes me.

P is for Penis

P is for Pump. Like, I love it when Gay Jose Smith pumps me in the ass with his gigantic Penis.

I learned him a lesson

So I was standing out in front of the Top of the Chayne shelter this morning when I saw a black boy walking down the street. To my surprise I noticed he was carrying what appeared to be a model pistol. I felt fearful for my life, as it may have been a real gun, so I started bustin' caps at that darky. As he was running away I shouted, "You better run you damn spook! And don't you bring your mommy over heare or I'll bust caps at her spook ass too."