Saturday, May 8, 2010

"How to get laid" by Turk

1. Never talk to a woman, wait for her to come talk to you. Also, make sure you never make eye contact with her or even look at her for that matter.

2. When the server at the restaurant comes over and asks what you and your date would like, you ask "What is free?".

3. Bring your date to your place for movies; on your stolen cable.

4. Ask your date for gas money.

5. Tell your date how you are a sexual master, and you learned everything you know from the strippers at Roxy's when you were a bouncer there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget about all the sexual experience he got from AOL IM sessions.

When TURK brings his date to his house to watch TV on stolen cable, ask her to stop by Hardee's and get some food and soda.